Tim Tebow is a Christian, has publicly stated that he's a virgin and will be until he's married, has served on overseas missions, prays on the sidelines...he doesn't hide his lamp under a bushel; No! He's gonna let it shine. But even that's not enough to inspire the antagonism that he has. If he was just "holier than thou," he could be dismissed as yet another self-righteous, hypocritical Christian, and wouldn't inspire such hatred. Tebow's problem is that he actually appears to BE holier than thou (holier than all of us)! He doesn't talk about his religion unless he's asked, he doesn't talk about his virginity unless he's asked, he doesn't talk about anything other than football, working hard to be the best player he can be, and winning...unless he's asked. Which he is. A lot.

We're not afraid of a hyporcrite; in fact, hypocrisy relieves us. We're hypocrites. That, we get. We fear the thing that judges us. True righteousness throws our sinfulness into sharp relief. Clearly, Tebow (and he would, no doubt, be the first to admit that he) is not truly righteous. Nonetheless, his apparent righteousness inspires hate, because it reminds us all of our shortcomings. We don't spend every summer overseas teaching poor children about Jesus. We don't reject endorsement deals on moral grounds. We didn't save ourselves for marriage. We aren't as conscientious or hard-working. And if we did or were, we'd certainly brag about it. Compared to Tim Tebow, we are all sinners.
We rebel against God for the same reason. We must run from righteousness because it will destroy us, so far from its perfection are we. In the same way that standing in a room with Brad Pitt only serves to remind us how unattractive we are, being in a relationship with God serves to remind us how unholy we are. We need Tim Tebow to fail, and so we root for it, so that he can be shown to be imperfect, just like us.
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